The desire for beauty is a human constant:
Since the beginning of time, human beings have reflected about what constitutes beauty and its positive effects on disposition, mood, and joie de vivre – in a word, how beauty will change life for the better.
Your own life, and the life of the people you love and who love you. For us at Nürnberger Klinik for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, this is reason enough to offer you all the possibilities available for a beautiful, healthy body.
Whenever fat pads are an issue, there are proven as well as innovative methods available to target precisely those areas where unwanted lipocells tend to accumulate. These treatments can be subsumed under the term "Liposuction".
Your Benefits with a Liposuction at the Nürnberger Klinik for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
- Very frequently conducted treatment method
- Gentle treatment method with very discreet scars
- Comprehensive consultation before and after the operation
- Continuous contact person since owner-operated
- Further education provider for aesthetic surgeons
- Top-level hygiene standards
- Intensive aftercare process desired
Your Experts for Liposuction
FAQ on Liposuction
Who may benefit from a liposuction?
Although a liposuction conducted in Nuremberg may not be a substitute for an active lifestyle nor can it substitute a balanced diet, it becomes apparent time and time again that even athletic people can influence the silhouette of their body only to a certain degree. Genetic disposition plays a big role, and it’s exactly that often bothersome subcutaneous tissue which cannot be fundamentally altered neither by sports nor by nutrition.
This is where liposuction comes into play with its precise and well-dosed intervention, providing significant changes to the body’s contours – exactly in those places where it is desired.
Experience shows that these are the main areas:
- Hips
- Bottom
- Outer thighs (“saddlebags”)
- Inner thighs
- Inner sides of the knees
- Calves/ankles
- Tummy
- Back
- Lateral base of the breasts
- Chin (“double chin”)
- Upper arms
How do we conduct the liposuction?
At our clinic, we often combine conventional liposuction with the ultrasound method (liposuction, liposculpturing). There, we use what is called the tumescent technique. For this, we start by injecting a medicinally active solution into the fatty zones which prepares the cells for liposuction. Then, the excess cells are extracted gently from the areas beneath the skin.

Long-standing experience and careful performance of liposuction are a distinguishing feature of Nürnberger Klinik for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, creating the right conditions for achieving the desired contouring with satisfying results.

What is important after the treatment?
Careful aftercare is a matter of course to complement a successful liposuction. This includes wearing special compression dressings and compression clothes for a few weeks after the operation.
They help ensure that the tissue will heal optimally, permanently taking on the desired shape. This creates the right conditions for the liposuction to be effective for the long term.
Since the fatty cells are physically removed from the treated areas, no fat can accumulate there any more. This can only happen in exceptional cases – e.g. when excessively gaining weight on the entire body, or due to hormonal changes.
We will inform you comprehensively in a detailed personal consultation about this and any potential risks as well as how we will proceed with the liposuction in your individual case.
What is important before a liposuction?
For at least 2 weeks before the liposuction in Nuremberg, you should not take any blood-thinning medication such as Aspirin nor any nutritional supplements. Drinking alcohol or smoking should be kept to a minimum or stopped entirely during that period.
What are the risks connected with a liposuction treatment?
Following a liposuction, there may be temporary haematomas, swelling, or wound pain. Moreover, it is possible to experience paraesthesia or numbness, which will as a rule disappear after some time by itself. Since we adhere to the highest standards in terms of safety and hygiene, we are able to reduce the risk of severe complications such as fat embolism or fatty tissue necrosis to a minimum.
How long will the result of a liposuction last?
Removing subcutaneous fat by means of liposuction has permanent results. Still, it is possible that unwanted fat pads may form at some time in the future. In order to achieve an optimal treatment result, patients should adhere to a balanced diet and exercise regularly.
Will a liposuction leave visible scars?
After a liposuction, there my be tiny scars at the injection points; but they can be minimised by applying special scar ointments. At our clinic, we only use treatment methods that are gentle and reduce scars as much as possible.
When will I be presentable again after a liposuction?
About one or two weeks after a liposuction in Nuremberg, our patients will be presentable again and may take up their normal everyday activities. However, sports, exercise, physical exertion and heavy work should not be started any earlier than 6 weeks after the operation.
How much fat can be extracted during one operation?
Theoretically, several litres of fatty tissue may be extracted during one operation. However, our medical specialists will discuss with you in detail during a personal consultation which amount is possible and advisable in your individual case.
How much does a liposuction in Nuremberg cost?
For a liposuction in Nuremberg, the cost starts at 2,000 €. However, the exact treatment costs depend on the treated body area and the effort associated with this. We will be happy to prepare an individual cost calculation for you during a personal consultation.
Feel free to pay for your treatment in instalments. Here you can find further information about Financing.
Arrange a consultation appointment!
Nürnberger Klinik für
Ästhetisch-Plastische Chirurgie
Sibeliusstr. 15
90491 Nürnberg
+49 911 95 96 10
+49 911 9596 130
Opening hours
Monday – Thursday | 8 am – 6 pm |
Friday | 8 am – 5 pm |