The Well-Known Way Towards a Beautiful Breast
If the natural shape of the female breast is regarded as not matching one’s own ideals and is not satisfactory for the woman herself, then a breast enlargement with a breast implant can provide new options. In this, the particular experience of the medical specialists at the Nürnberger Klinik for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery plays an important role. After all, the right proportions are prerequisite for a successful breast enlargement, all the more so since overly large breasts may well constitute a health burden.
Your Benefits from a Breast Enlargement carried out at Nürnberger Klinik for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery at a Glance:
- Hidden cut in the armpit (axillary incision)
- Breast surface remains without any signs of surgery (axillary incision)
- Further education provider for aesthetic surgeons
- Exclusive use of premium quality material/implants
- At least two comprehensive before/after consultations
- Honest cost transparency
- Two experienced medical specialists for aesthetic plastic surgery attending during the operation
- Continuous contact person, since clinic is owner-operated
- Intensive aftercare process desired
- Focus clinic and competence centre for breast surgery
- Professional care on our own ward
Your Breast Enlargement Experts
There are different methods available, both for surgical breast enlargement and in terms of implants. The decision should only be taken after a comprehensive consultation and information at the Nürnberger Klinik for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. It is important to realise that medicine has made great progress, also for breast enlargement, and that safety, tolerance, compatibility, and longevity of implants are much higher than they used to be only a few years ago.
In our clinic, we also offer the method of sub-fascial breast enlargement. The benefits of this treatment comprise a longer-lasting and natural result. Moreover, this method is considered to be almost painless. Find all information about sub-fascial breast enlargement here.
FAQ on Breast Enlargement with Implants
Who may benefit from a breast enlargement with implants?
If a woman suffers because she perceives the shape of her breasts as inadequate, whether it’s always been the case or after a pregnancy, after breast feeding, or simply because of the influences of natural aging, then she might well consider a breast enlargement in our Nürnberger Klinik for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. What is of primary importance is that the patient wants to do this of her own volition – not because her partner wants it or because the media build up pressure in this regard.
How do we conduct a breast enlargement with implants?
With regard to a breast enlargement with implants, there are several decisions to take – about the surgical method and the type of implant, its shape and size, and about the position of the implant underneath or on top of the pectoral muscle. All this will be discussed and decided in the course of a personal patient consultation in our Nürnberger Klinik for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. When conducting a breast enlargement, we use silicone implants with a structured surface, since experience has shown that this significantly reduces the risk for a subsequent induration (capsular fibrosis). The implants may be inserted through a small incision in the breast fold, at the edge of the areola, or via the armpit (axillary incision). The latter approach has the advantage that the breast itself will remain completely scar-free, and the sensitivity of the nipple will not be affected. The operation for breast enlargement itself is rather short and is conducted under general anaesthesia. Experience shows that following the operation, a 1–2 day stay at Nürnberger Klinik for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery is beneficial in the interest of recuperative healing.

What is important following a breast enlargement with implants?
Just like with any other operation, a recuperative phase of rest is to be recommended following a breast enlargement. In particular, you should not be doing any sports, exercise or exertion of any kind for 6 weeks. For 4–6 weeks, a special bra or breast girdle should be worn in order to support and promote healing. We will inform you comprehensively in a detailed personal consultation about any potential risks as well as how we will proceed with our treatment in your individual case. Please feel free to contact us about this.
Which types of implant are there?
We make a general distinction between round and anatomically droplet-shaped breast implants. It is often said that droplet-shaped breast implants make for more natural-looking treatment results. However, the patient’s body proportions play an important role in selecting the right implant, so that also round implants may achieve particularly natural-looking results. As to the surface of the breast implants, there are those with a smooth and those with a structured surface. At the Nürnberger Klinik for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, we use silicone implants with a structured surface.
Where will the scars be after a breast enlargement with implants?
The position of the scars after a breast enlargement with implants depends on the chosen treatment method. At the Nürnberger Klinik for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, we use the axillary incision or the breast fold incision. In case of an axillary incision, the surface of the breast is not operated upon. The scar will later be in the armpit, hidden from view. In case of a breast fold incision, the scar will later be hidden in the breast fold, as the name implies.
What is important before a breast enlargement with implants?
For two weeks before a breast enlargement with implants, no nutritional supplements should be ingested. Also, blood thinning medication, e.g. aspirin, should also not be taken during this period. We advise our patients beforehand and comprehensively in a personal consultation as to what is important before a breast enlargement with implants, and we take into account each patient’s individual life situation in all its facets.
What access options are there in case of breast enlargement with implants?
At the Nürnberger Klinik for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, we use the axillary incision, i.e. the access via the armpit, or the breast fold incision, where the implant is inserted via the breast fold.
When will I be presentable again after a breast enlargement with implants and will be able to do sports?
After a breast enlargement with implants with us in Nuremberg, our patients will be presentable again after about two weeks. Sports, exercise and physical exertion should not be started any earlier than six weeks after the operation, and this start should be very gentle and easy at first.
Will breast implants have to be replaced after a certain time?
Theoretically, the high-quality implants we use at the Nürnberger Klinik for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery can remain in the body for the rest of one’s life. However, after a pregnancy or for various other reasons, many patients want to exchange their breast implants at a certain moment in time. At the Nürnberger Klinik for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, this may in most cases again be done without any problems via an axillary incision.
Is it still possible to breast-feed after a breast enlargement with implants?
Yes, as a rule, it is still possible to breast-feed after a breast enlargement with implants.
When will the final result of a breast enlargement with implants be visible, and how long will it last?
Right after the breast enlargement with implants, the different shape and size of the breasts is already visible. However, the swelling will need some time to recede. This means that the final result will only be visible after about 6 months.
What are the risks connected with a breast enlargement with implants?
Like with any other operation, a breast enlargement with implants also comes with risks such as infections, bleeding, or wound healing issues. Also, a capsular fibrosis, i.e. a rejection of the implant, is among the risks of a breast augmentation. In a personal consultation at the Nürnberger Klinik for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, we provide detailed information to our patients about potential risks of a breast enlargement with implants.
What does capsular fibrosis mean?
In case of a capsular fibrosis, the body will reject the inserted implant, surrounding it with connective tissue. Over time, this may lead to a painful induration (hardening). At the Nürnberger Klinik for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, we use silicone implants with a structured surface, presenting only a small risk of capsular fibrosis.
How much does a breast enlargement with implants cost?
The costs for a breast enlargement with implants in our Nürnberger Klinik for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery start at 6,000 €. We will be happy to prepare an individual cost calculation for your breast augmentation during a personal consultation.
Breast Enlargement with B-Lite Implant in Nuremberg
Breast Enlargement with B-Lite at a glance
Operating time | 1 hr |
Sedation | General anaesthesia |
Clinic stay | 1–2 days |
Costs | from 8,800 €* |
Aftercare | 4–6 weeks |
Stitch removal | after 14 days |
Presentable | after 2 weeks |
Sports | after 6 weeks |
Often combined with | Labia reduction, Labia enlargement |
*Prices include 19% VAT.
B-Lite – the Most Lightweight Breast Implant in the World
As the first clinic for aesthetic surgery in Nuremberg, Nürnberger Klinik for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery now offers the innovation in breast enlargement. Thanks to a revolutionary development, the implant’s own weight is reduced by up to 30%. Still, the desired volume result remains completely as desired by the patient. The ultra-lightweight B-Lite is easy on the connective tissue, both the skin’s elasticity and the mammal tissue are clearly stressed less. The outer appearance is more sustainably kept in shape.

Your Breast Enlargement Benefits with a B-Lite Implant
at the Nürnberger Klinik for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
at a glance
- Up to 30% less weight
- The only manufacturer from Germany bearing the “Made in Germany” label
- Leading manufacturer of breast implants, more than 30 years’ experience
- Ultra-lightweight, also well-suited for active women
- Innovative
- More sustainable treatment results
- Also suitable for women with weak connective tissue

The many benefits of this innovative implant manufactured in Germany are up to very discerning quality expectations. Patients who have an athletic and active lifestyle can easily decide on this premium implant. Safety and security thanks to the CE certification and manufacturer’s extended B-Lite warranty as well as the increased quality of life it provides make B-Lite a luxury-class lifestyle product.
B-Lite implants are suitable for all operation methods offered by the Nürnberger Klinik for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.
FAQ on Breast Enlargement with B-Lite
Where are the silicon implants manaufactured?
Quality and safety are the prime focus for B-Lite as well. The German manufacturer has been a prime example of quality and experience in implant coatings for more than 30 years. As one of the leading manufacturers, they can attach the “Made in Germany” label to their products, thus ensuring user safety and security in terms of origin as well as carrying the CE certification.
B-Lite has the further advantage of a unique combination: for its outer skin, B-Lite uses the same coating as the tried-and-tested brand implants, while for the filling, it uses an innovative technology – a physical compound of silicone and borosilicate which has been used for medical applications for many years. This filling, the so-called micro-spheres, make B-Lite more lightweight. This results in a tangible benefit of up to 30% less weight for the user.
Of course, B-Lite implants are being offered in all shapes and sizes.

Implants with this gel filling remain in shape, the filling cannot leak. Patients benefit from B-Lite implants thanks to their high degree of safety, the lighter weight without loss of volume, and the desired form stability.
How much does a breast enlargement with B-Lite implants cost?
A breast enlargement with B-Lite implants at Nürnberger Klinik for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery will cost approx. 8,800 EUR. Plus the costs for anaesthesia.
Which patients may benefit in particular from B-Lite?
This ultra-lightweight implant is particularly suitable for active and athletic women and for women with a weaker or sensitive mammal connective tissue. Patients whose lifestyle includes frequent travels and athletic activities will experience no restrictions due to aircraft cabin pressure or when diving. This lifestyle product is thus also perfectly suited for women whose job includes frequent business trips.
Sub-Fascial Breast Enlargement | Nürnberger Klinik for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
Sub-Fascial Breast Enlargement Facts
Operating time | approx. 1–2.5 hours |
Sedation | general anaesthesia |
Clinic stay | 1–2 days |
Aftercare | Supportive bra |
Presentable | after 2 weeks |
Sports | after approx. 6 weeks |
Costs | from approx. 5,000 €* |
Often combined with | Labia reduction, Labia enlargement |
*Prices include 19% VAT.
Many women are unhappy about their natural breasts. Sometimes it is the shape; much more often, however, it is the size of the breasts which does not match the perceived ideal of how a female bosom should look like. This unhappiness can considerably impact self-confidence and the quality of life. That doesn’t have to stay that way, though, since breast enlargement with implants has long been one of the most frequent surgical operations conducted for visually aesthetic reasons.
There are several surgical options to choose from, and their main difference is where the implant is positioned. One particular method is the so-called sub-fascial breast enlargement. Here, the implant is positioned underneath the fascia of the pectoral muscle. Fascias are thin sheets of fibrous tissue surrounding muscles. When the implant is positioned between the pectoral muscle and the fascia surrounding the pectoral muscle, it is held in place better, and the result is longer-lasting. The procedure calls for more effort, since it is more complicated, but it comes with less pain than other methods. Another benefit: The mammary tissue covers the silhouette of the implant so that the shape of the breast appears more natural.
FAQ on Sub-Fascial Breast Enlargement
What is important prior to a sub-fascial breast enlargement?
Before a sub-fascial or any other breast enlargement, a careful examination of the breasts is essential. The purpose of this is to identify any changes in tissue. The usual methods are ultrasound examinations and mammography. Since some medication such as blood-thinning substances can have a negative impact on the operation process, it is important to inform the respective doctor about any medication you take. It may be necessary to stop taking such medication prior to the operation for a while or to exchange them for alternative medications. Moreover, patients should refrain from taking any sleeping medication or drinking alcohol, and they should not smoke for at least 10 days prior to the operation.
Does a sub-fascial breast enlargement hurt?
After a breast enlargement, there will be some pressure pain at the ribs (costal arch), and sometimes also below or beside the breasts. However, the perception of pain is very different from person to person. Compared to other methods, the sub-fascial breast enlargement is considered to come with very little pain. Since the implant does not have any impact on the pectoral muscle and does not expand it – as other methods do –, there will be less post-operative pain. In general it already helps to cool the hurting areas during the first days following the operation, and to take pain medication as needed. In most cases, neither will be necessary any more after a few days already.
Which patients may benefit in particular from a sub-fascial breast enlargement?
A sub-fascial breast enlargement is an interesting alternative to the traditional operation methods, especially for sportive and athletic patients. Since the implant is held by the muscle fascia, it is not necessary to include the pectoral muscle. The benefit: When flexing the muscle, the implant will not “jump”. Also, the healing process is often faster, and the patients can take up their sports again earlier.
However, this method can only be used for smaller or medium-sized implants. Also, patients must have a sufficient layer of tissue on top of the pectoral muscle (at least 2cm). Whether this is a suitable method for a patient has to be decided in each individual case. During a detailed personal consultation appointment at our Nürnberger Klinik for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, we will be happy to advise you on the respective benefits of each operation method and will analyse which versions are best suited for you.
How is a sub-fascial breast enlargement being conducted?
Generally speaking, breast implants can be positioned at their desired location by different access routes: via the fold beneath the breast; via the edge of the areola; or via a hidden cut in the armpit (axillary incision). In the case of a sub-fascial breast enlargement, the implant is positioned via in incision at the breast fold.
Through this incision, the operating surgeon will place the implant underneath the fascia of the pectoral muscle which he or she needs to lift in order to achieve the correct position for the implant. For a sub-fascial breast enlargement, we at the Nürnberger Klinik for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery use silicone implants with a structured surface. These present a reduced risk of causing an induration (capsular fibrosis) later on. Once the surgeon has positioned implant correctly, he or she will close and dress the wound.
What is important following a sub-fascial breast enlargement?
As with any operation, especially following a breast enlargement with implants, it is important to keep a period of physical rest, also after a sub-fascial breast enlargement at our Nürnberger Klinik for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. During the first 4–6 weeks, patients should wear a special bra that supports and promotes healing. For 6 weeks, they should refrain from doing any sports or exercise, or any other exerting physical activity for that matter which might negatively affect the healing process.
Feel free to pay for your treatment in instalments. Here you can find further information about Financing.
Important Keywords:
- Implants: We go to great lengths for our patients and use exclusively high-quality, comprehensively tested premium implants with a life-long warranty – in the interest of your well-being and our reputation.
- Scars: No need for conspicuous scars – thanks to an axillary incision, your breast enlargement operation is only for you to know and will be all the more aesthetically pleasing.
- Pain: No pain, no gain? We don’t believe that. Pain reduction is one of our top priorities, so we can offer you a pain management that allows you to take a deep breath and rest easy.
Arrange a consultation appointment!
Nürnberger Klinik für
Ästhetisch-Plastische Chirurgie
Sibeliusstr. 15
90491 Nürnberg
+49 911 95 96 10
+49 911 9596 130
Opening hours
Monday – Thursday | 8 am – 6 pm |
Friday | 8 am – 5 pm |