Make your eyes shine
The human eyelids are made of very delicate skin tissue, which makes them particularly susceptible to the effects of skin aging. Apart from the natural aging process, factors like sun rays, nicotine, or prolonged stress and lack of sleep are also contributing factors to making the skin of the upper and lower eyelids lose their tension. This may result in excess skin, making the person look old and tired because of hooded upper eyelids (also called “floppy eyelid syndrome” [FES]) and/or tear sacs (lacrymal sacs) at the lower eyelids.
Thanks to an individual aesthetic surgical eyelid tightening (blepharoplasty), we at Nürnberger Klinik for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery can effectively and lastingly help you regain a younger and more alert eye expression.
Your Experts for Eyelid Tightening
FAQ on Eyelid Tightening (Blepharoplasty)
Who may benefit from an eyelid tightening?
An eyelid tightening performed at our Nürnberger Klinik for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery is appropriate for all who want to make their eyes look fresher and younger and who want to keep that look for a long time. Moreover, an aesthetic-surgical eyelid tightening may in individual cases also fulfil a medical purpose – if for example a pronounced sagging of the eyelid skin (especially of the upper eyelids) results in a restricted area of view, the former sense of vision may be regained by means of surgical steps.
If you would like to get comprehensive information about eyelid tightening treatment methods, which we will align with your personal wishes, then please don’t hesitate to contact us.
How do we perform an eyelid tightening?
Before we perform a surgical tightening of the upper or lower eyelids, there will be a comprehensive patient consulting session. During that conversation, we will explain to you which treatment steps make sense and will inform you about the opportunities and risks connected with an eyelid tightening.
In many cases, the eyelid tightening in our clinic can be performed under general anaesthesia. If it makes sense to stay in our clinic after the operation, this will generally require only one overnight stay.
The operation itself starts by introducing the anaesthesia and marking the individual amount of excess skin to be removed.
In order to precisely remove the excess skin, we will perform one fine incision per eyelid.
Any necessary incisions will by positioned in such a way that the scars will later be either unobtrusive or practically invisible – the incisions will run along the natural eyelid fold and/or immediately next to the eyelash semi-circle along the lower eyelid. We then reduce the sagging skin alongside each incision. If the sagging eyelid skin has resulted in protruding fatty tissue, we will also remove the latter.
After the successful reduction of the excess tissue, the operated area will be closed by fine sutures. Then, the treated eyelids will be cooled and bandaged as needed.

What is important following an eyelid tightening?
By adhering to the behavioural rules that we will share with you before the eyelid tightening, you may yourself contribute to a fast and complication-free healing process.
During the first days following the operation, it is advisable to cool the treated eyelids all the time – such cooling helps prevent potential swelling and haematomas. Other positive effects on the treatment results of an eyelid tightening are brought about by resting and not doing any kind of physical exercise for several days as well as avoiding sudden movements of the head. Ideally, you should not be doing any kind of physical exertion or sports for about 6 weeks after the operation. About 5–7 days after an eyelid tightening, we will remove the stitches at our clinic.
Should there be slight local swellings and haematomas after the eyelid tightening despite regular cooling, these are usually nothing to worry about, since they will disappear in most cases within only a few weeks.
Here you can find additional information about Upper eyelid tightening and Lower eyelid tightening.
If you are interested in having an eyelid tightening performed at out Nürnberger Klinik for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, then please feel free to contact us and make an appointment for a personal consultation.
At which age is an eyelid tightening possible?
On principle, an eyelid tightening is possible from age 18 or older.
What is important prior to an eyelid tightening?
For at least two weeks before the eyelid tightening, no blood-thinning medication such as aspirin should be ingested. Moreover, nicotine consumption should be limited as far as possible, since smoking has a negative impact on wound healing. Also, for 2 weeks before and after the eyelid correction, you should not take any nutritional supplements.
Which eyelid correction methods are there?
When discussing an eyelid correction, we differentiate between an upper eyelid tightening and a lower eyelid tightening. If necessary, both treatments can also be combined.
Is it possible to correct both upper eyelids and lower eyelids together?
Yes, if necessary, upper and lower eyelid tightening may be combined.
How long will the eyes be swollen after an eyelid tightening?
It will take about two weeks for the post-operative swelling and the haematomas to disappear. In order to keep the swelling to a minimum, we recommend cooling the eyelids all the time during the first days after the eyelid tightening, and to lay down with the upper body raised.
When will I be presentable again after the operation and will be able to do sports?
About 1–2 weeks after the eyelid tightening, you will be presentable again. In order not to negatively influence the wound healing process, you should not do any sports for about 6 weeks after the eyelid tightening.
How long will the result of an eyelid tightening last?
The result of an eyelid tightening is permanent. However, due to the natural aging of the skin over the years, there may be new wrinkles forming and the skin may be sagging again, calling for another eyelid tightening. But this will as a rule not occur any sooner than after about 10 years. Impacting influences are e.g. sunshine, smoking, or even genetic disposition.
When can I put on makeup again after an eyelid tightening?
Stitch removal takes place about 5–7 days after the eyelid tightening. After that, you may gently put on makeup again.
Which risks may be connected with an eyelid correction?
As a rule, an eyelid correction is considered to be a particularly low-risk operation. Like with any other operation, an eyelid tightening comes with the usual operation risks. These comprise e.g. infections, bleeding, or wound healing issues. At our Nürnberger Klinik for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, we work according to top safety and hygienic standards, so that we can keep risks at a particularly low level.
How much does an eyelid tightening in Nuremberg cost?
The costs for an eyelid tightening at our Nürnberger Klinik for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery start at 2,500 €. Depending on the treatment effort, these may, however, vary from patient to patient. We will be happy to prepare an individual cost calculation for you during a personal consultation.
Will the health insurance take over the cost for the eyelid tightening?
As a rule, the health insurance will not take over the cost for an eyelid correction, since this is in most cases a purely aesthetically motivated operation. If, however, the operation to be performed is due to a medical necessity, it is possible that the health insurance may take over the treatment costs.
Feel free to pay for your treatment in instalments. Here you can find further information about Financing.
Arrange a consultation appointment!
Nürnberger Klinik für
Ästhetisch-Plastische Chirurgie
Sibeliusstr. 15
90491 Nürnberg
+49 911 95 96 10
+49 911 9596 130
Opening hours
Monday – Thursday | 8 am – 6 pm |
Friday | 8 am – 5 pm |